10 Signs You've Been Blocked: How To Know If Someone Blocked Your Number


Have you been trying to reach out to a friend or family member only to find that your calls go straight to voicemail or your messages remain unanswered? There's a possibility that you may have been blocked. But how do you know for sure?

Read on to discover the ten tell-tale signs that you've been blocked, including the appearance of certain indicators on chat apps and social media platforms. Did you know that even your phone's behavior could reveal whether you've been blocked or not?

If you're curious about finding out whether someone has blocked you, this article is a must-read. We'll cover everything from subtle cues to more obvious signs so that you can finally put your suspicions to rest.

Don't stay in the dark any longer. If you're wondering whether your contact has made the decision to block you, take a few minutes to read this informative article. Once you're done, you'll have all the knowledge you need to understand the signs that indicate someone has blocked your number.


Have you ever been blocked by someone but didn't know it? Well, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll go through the key indicators that show if you've been blocked, from social media platforms to your phone behavior.

First Impression: Call and Message Block

The first sign that you might have been blocked is if your calls and messages go unanswered. It's common for people to ignore calls and texts, but if the person consistently ignores them or you keep getting sent straight to voicemail, there's a high chance you've been blocked.

Second Impression: Social Media Block

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have the option to block someone too. If you are no longer able to see their profile or posts, it could be a sign that you have been blocked. Another tell-tale sign is if your messages are not getting delivered or there is no response from the recipient.

Third Impression: Chat App Block

Chat apps like WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram can also indicate if you've been blocked. If you are unable to see the last seen time of the person or if there's no delivery status when you send a message, then you may have been blocked.

Fourth Impression: Email Block

If you're experiencing difficulty sending an email to someone or you're not receiving any reply, then it's possible that you've been blocked. The same goes if your emails are automatically redirected to the spam folder.

Fifth Impression: Mutual Friends Say So

If you have mutual friends with the person who may have blocked you, ask them if they've been in contact with the said person or if they've seen any recent updates on their social media. If they haven't, it's likely you've been blocked.

Sixth Impression: Check Their Profile

If you're not sure whether you've been blocked or the person has simply deactivated their account, try to search for their profile on the app or social media platform. If you can't find it, then it's likely you've been blocked.

Seventh Impression: The 24-Hour Rule

If you've had an argument or disagreement with someone and suspect that they've blocked you, wait at least 24 hours before attempting to contact them again. Sometimes things can cool down after a few hours, and you might receive a response after a day or two.

Eighth Impression: Double-Check On A Different Account

Try to create a different account and see if you're able to view their profile or send messages. If successful, it could indicate that you've indeed been blocked on your original account.

Ninth Impression: Phone Behavior

Your phone's behavior could also give away whether someone has blocked you or not. If your calls don't go through and you don't hear a ring tone or a voicemail greeting, there's a high chance that you have been blocked. Keep in mind that some phones might not show any indication that you've been blocked.

Tenth Impression: Conclusion

There are several ways to tell if you've been blocked. From social media platforms to phone behavior, we've covered all the signs that you need to look out for. If you suspect that you've been blocked, wait for confirmation before attempting to contact the person again. Remember to be patient and respectful, even if you do get blocked.

Indicator Blocked? Not Blocked?
Calls and messages X
Social media X
Chat apps X
Emails X
Mutual friends X
Profile search X
24-hour rule X
Double-check on a different account X
Phone behavior X

Opinion: If you feel like you've been blocked, don't try to force the issue. It's best to give the person space and wait for them to contact you if they want to. Harassing or being disrespectful to someone who has blocked you can lead to further damage to the relationship, and that's never a good thing.

Thank you for reading our article on 10 Signs You've Been Blocked: How To Know If Someone Blocked Your Number. We hope that the information we provided was helpful in determining if someone has blocked your number. In today's technology-driven world, it can be frustrating to not know if someone is purposely avoiding your calls and messages.

If you have experienced any of the signs we mentioned, it is important to take a step back and evaluate the situation. While being blocked may come as a shock, it may also be a sign that the relationship is not as healthy as you thought. Remember that communication is key, so try to talk with the person and address any issues in a calm and respectful manner.

Lastly, it is important to remember that being blocked is not the end of the world. There are plenty of people out there who will value your time and effort to maintain a meaningful relationship. Don't let one person's actions define your self-worth, and always prioritize your own well-being.

10 Signs You've Been Blocked: How To Know If Someone Blocked Your Number

If you suspect that someone has blocked your number, there are several signs that you can look out for. Here are the top 10 signs that you've been blocked:

  1. You cannot make a call to the person who you suspect has blocked your number.
  2. You cannot send a text message to the person who you suspect has blocked your number.
  3. You cannot see the person's online status on social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
  4. You cannot see the person's profile picture on social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
  5. You cannot add the person as a friend on social media platforms like Facebook.
  6. You cannot see the person's posts on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
  7. You cannot see the person's tweets on Twitter.
  8. You cannot send an email to the person who you suspect has blocked your email address.
  9. You cannot see the person's activity on LinkedIn.
  10. The person's phone goes straight to voicemail when you call them.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is highly likely that the person has blocked your number or email address. However, it is important to note that some of these signs may also be due to technical issues or the person simply being busy. Therefore, it is always best to try reaching out to the person through alternative means before jumping to conclusions.